Lektion 11 of 36
In Progress

The Grip

Henrik Jentsch 9. März 2025

You can consult any number of books or your local teaching professional about your grip and alignment. When you make a grip change as part of your instruction, it is going to feel awkward, uncomfortable, and an Orthodox as if you will never be able to make contact with the ball. He will take daily practice for the grip change to feel natural.

Ben Hogan advocates, practicing your grip 30 minutes a day for a week. When you make a change.

  • Keep a club in your office or home where you can practice your setup often.

Sam’s need winter of 160 tournaments. 81 recognized by the PGA of America asserts that 85% of all bad golfers have bad grips.

I don’t have any calluses. Tension is the worst thing in golf grip. The club like you’ve got a live bird in your hands.

Some contemporary teachers advocate, a firm grip to quiet the hands through the swing, whatever your preference stay with it.

Please continue with: Alignment or Aim