Lektion 18 of 36
In Progress

Mechanical end Swing Routine

Henrik Jentsch 9. März 2025
Mechanical end Swing Routine

There are thousands of PGA and LPG instructors who teach in swing mechanics at clubs, ranges and golf schools in this country. There are hundreds of books, magazines, and videos, which also provide instruction. I’m not going to add to this wealth of information with the exception of two considerations, grip, pressure and tempo.

Both of these mechanical states are affected by the level of arousal in your nervous system. As you proceed through my instruction series, you will be presented with several strategies to fine tune this arousal.

Grip pressure a significant part of arousal is muscle tension. I believe tension is the single greatest defender of the golf swing. This tension is often expressed as increased grip pressure practice on the range, feeling the same grip pressure throughout your swing. In reality, the centrifical force produced in the downswing results in increased grip pressure. However, feel the same pressure throughout your entire swing from setup to follow through.

This technique will help eliminate gripping, reduce tension and reduce overuse of your hands in the swing. Like flipping at the ball with the club head.

Please continue with: Tempo