Lektion 20 of 36
In Progress

Mental Post Swing Routine

Henrik Jentsch 9. März 2025
Mental Post Swing Routine

The mental part of the post wing routine takes place in the conversations you have with yourself. Following each shot, the content and timing of these conversations directly affect how you will play your next shot. And for that matter, your round, these conversations with self are often seen outwardly as a change of posture, especially following one or a series of bad shots, head down and shoulders forward.

Your post swing routine continues for any particular shot. As long as you think about it or carry the feelings of anger, frustration, or excitement, and the associated posture.

If you are putting on number six green, but are still thinking about the drive. You pushed into the trees from number 60, your continued post swing focus on the tee shot will interfere with your focus on your putt.

I’ll address this more in the chapter, title, concentration, keeping your head in play. Your post swing routine should be positive. And in before you approach your next shot, your post-war thoughts should never be on mechanics. Only on the feeling of the swing.

Your post swing thoughts will either support you and build confidence or tear down your confidence. I will reserve that discussion for the chapter on confidence.

Please continue with: Excitement and Arousal