Lektion 17 of 36
In Progress

Feeling Positions

Henrik Jentsch 9. März 2025
Feeling Positions

If you must think of a swing position, think about and feel your finished position. This image and thought focus will get you aggressively through the ball as well. An ensuing target image, whatever your thoughts don’t think about mechanics during your swing.

  • Let me repeat that. Don’t think about mechanics during your swing. If you do disaster, we’ll certainly follow.

For example, if you focus on the position of your hands at the top of your backswing, you will tend to stay on your right side for right-handers and left side for left-handers.

If this is the case, the path of the club will create a push cut or slice as you swing through the ball, or you may experience a deceleration of the club causing you to hit the shot, taking a very large divot.

We call this a fat shot again. If you must think of a swing position, think about and feel your finished position.

If you play much golf, you have been faced with the same shot. A number of times.

For example, every time you play, you have a shot from the number one tee on many occasions, you’ve had the same shot from a green side, bunker, a short iron to the green or a particular chip shot at one time or another, you have hit every one of those shots. Well, recall this situation feel and see yourself successfully executing the shot from the past. Whether you’re able to recall the shops in the past or not stand behind the ball and pick your target in the fairway or on the green picture, the swing you want to make and ball flight in your mind’s eye, then focus on nothing but your target swing to your target.

Fred couple says he never hits a shot without calling up that same shot from the past. He says, if he has an eight iron to the green at the masters, he recalls that same shot. For example, from the LA open, he sees it feels it, and then puts that same swing on the ball.

Sam Snead, Jack Nicklaus, Johnny Miller, and Bobby Jones all refer to this technique in their writings.

Please continue with: Mechanical end Swing Routine