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    19 Tagen Chip und Pitching Programm

    Was man nicht misst, kann man nicht verbessern. Wenn du auf das Link-Analyseprogramm klickst, erscheint eine Excel-Tabelle. Hier kannst du den Fortschritt dokumentieren, den du während des 19-tägigen Trainingsprogramms erzielst. Putter Test: Analyse Programm

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    Geschützt: 19 Tagen Puttingtrainingsprogramm

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  • 5 Lektionen

    Biomechanische Technik Kernsymmetrie, Schulteraußenrotation, Standbreite und Griffgröße in einer 2-minütigen isometrischen Übung

    Biomechanische Technik Kernsymmetrie Beachten Sie, dass auf den folgenden Fotos (ca. 1988) Nick Faldos rechte Schulter niedriger als seine linke ist und seine linke Hand…
  • 36 Lektionen

    Chapter 1 Mental Body

    Willkommen beim Hörbuch "Mind Under Par".

    Geschrieben von Autor, Dr. David F. Wright, Dr. Wright ist ein PGA Tour Instructor, ein Mitglied der Professional Golfers Association of America und ein Vollzeit-Golf Lehrer. Er hat zwei Doktorgrade, beide in Psychologie. Seine Spezialgebiete sind Psychophysiologie und Lernen. Darüber hinaus war Dr. Wright 23 Jahre lang Mitglied des klinischen Lehrkörpers der University of Southern California School of Medicine.

  • 22 Lektionen

    Chapter 2 Routine

    The links to success. 

    After the second round of the PGA Westchester classic in June, 1992, David Frost said the more you can stick to a routine, the less chance of other things creeping in frost, went on to win that tournament.

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    Chapter 3 Fine tuning your nervous system

    Arousal on The Tour.

    When Sam Snead was breaking into the Golf Business at the Greenbrier in West Virginia in 1936, the Club Pro Organized a match to introduce Sam to some of the Top Players in the area. He paired Sam with two former national Amateur Champions, Lorsan little and Johnny Goodman and Former US Open Champion. Billy Burke, after the other three had Tee off on the First Hole. Sam describes the following scene, bending over. I had to take both hands to tee up the ball. The ball looked all blurred. As I stood over it, my nerves were hopping right out of my skin. And then I stepped away and did something I had been practicing. I just let my mind take a rest by not thinking of anything in particular. If I thought of anything, it wasn’t the crowd or the match, but sort of a mixture of all the good drives I’d ever made. Some people call it concentration.

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    Chapter 4 Keeping Your Head in Play


    Jack Nicholas describes going from abroad focus prior to shots to a narrow focus. As he approaches a shot, then he returns to a broad focus. After he hits a shot. I still can’t concentrate on nothing but golf shots for the time it takes to Play 18 Holes. Even if I could, I suspect the drain of mental energy would make me pretty fuzzy headed long before the last putt went down. I’ve developed a regimen that allows me to move from peaks of concentration, into valleys of relaxation and back again, as necessary. My focus begins to sharpen. As I walk onto the tee, then steadily intensifies. As I complete the process of analysis and evaluation that produces a clear cut strategy for every shot.

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    Chapter 5 Confidence Building Mental Toughness

    How top Players Think.

    Peter Jacobson tells a story about being paired with Andy bean and Jack Nicholas in the 1986 Memorial Tournament at near-field village in Columbus, Ohio, Nicholas had shot 30 the last round on the backside at Augusta to win his six masters at the age of 46, a few weeks earlier. Jacobson, Nicholas and bean were all about even on Sunday after Nine Holes, the Gallery was huge. They were there to follow their local favorite in 1986 Masters Champion, then Nicholas birdie, 10, 11, 12, and 13. As the birdie string began, the crowd grew their approach shots to the 14th hole, left Jacobson four feet being 12 feet and Nicholas 15 feet from the hole. Nicholas was obviously a way and it was his turn to putt. However, being set his ball down putted first and made his, the crowd applauded. Then Nicholas turned to Jacobson and said, Peter, do you want to go ahead and put out Jacobson responded? Why would I want to put out Jack you’re away?

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    Chapter 6 Visualization

    The Targets of the Nervous System.

    In 1974, Jack Nicholas described the importance of visualization in his game. I never hit a shot even in practice without having a very sharp in focus picture of it in my head. It’s like a color movie. First, I see the ball where I want it to finish nice and white and sitting up high on the bright green grass. Then the scene quickly changes and I see the ball going there. It’s path trajectory and shape even its behavior on landing. Then there’s sort of a fade out. And the next scene shows me making the kind of swing that will turn the previous images into reality. Only at the end of the short private Hollywood spectacular. Do I select a club and step up to the ball?

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    Chapter 7 How to Talk to Yourself

    European and PGA Tour Player.

    David Ferret He pointed out that the World’s Number one Tennis Player spends 90% of his time winning while the World’s Number one Golfer spends 90% of his time losing probably more than that. Golfers are great losers. You have to be the genuine failures that you have, and there are many of them make you into a more resilient specimen.

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    Chapter 8 Lift Clean and Place

    Applying what you’ve learned process versus outcome.

    This chapter we’ll show you how to combine thought. Restructuring arousal management, and focus strategies to move you closer to your peak performance state. Now, do you have calm, reassuring thoughts, or do you engage in outcome? Thinking that creates an undesired arousal of your nervous system? A focus on outcome is a major contributor to arousal and disrupted performance. Positive process behaviors, reduce undesired arousal, produce a flow state and enhance Performance.

  • 10 Lektionen

    Der Vorwort

    Das Vorwort Der eCoach 360° ist die erste deutschsprachige, interaktive Golfschule. Sie haben hier die Möglichkeit über das Feld “eBook”, persönliche Videos hochzuladen und an…
  • 18 Lektionen

    Die Drei Schwünge der Wright Balance

    Die 9 Core-Regionen „Misstrauen gegenüber allem Unbekannten ist ein Zeichen mangelnden Selbstvertrauens.“ Anäis Nin „Die Erkenntnis der Wirksamkeit ist das Maß der Wahrheit“ Unsere seit…
  • 19 Lektionen

    Die Vorbereitung

    Die Vorbereitung Für Dieses Kurs

  • 6 Lektionen

    eCoach360° powered by Sportsbox.Ai

    Wie nutze ich der SportsBox App Unterstützt Sportsbox 3D Golf iPad und/oder Tablets? Die SportsBox App ist derzeit nicht für iPads oder Tablets optimiert. Sie…
  • 11 Lektionen

    Finden Sie Ihren persönlichen Power Move

    Lower Core Golfer, Middle Core Golfer oder Upper Core Golfer
  • 1 Lektion

    Optimal Putting

    Brain Science, Instincts, and the Four Skills of Putting Geoff Mangum’s PuttingZone
  • 5 Lektionen

    Geschützt: Puttalyze App

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  • 32 Lektionen

    Teil 1 Der Griff

    Hier eine kurze Beschreibung des Kurses

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