Chapter 4 Keeping Your Head in Play


Jack Nicholas describes going from abroad focus prior to shots to a narrow focus. As he approaches a shot, then he returns to a broad focus. After he hits a shot. I still can’t concentrate on nothing but golf shots for the time it takes to Play 18 Holes. Even if I could, I suspect the drain of mental energy would make me pretty fuzzy headed long before the last putt went down. I’ve developed a regimen that allows me to move from peaks of concentration, into valleys of relaxation and back again, as necessary. My focus begins to sharpen. As I walk onto the tee, then steadily intensifies. As I complete the process of analysis and evaluation that produces a clear cut strategy for every shot.

Henrik Jentsch · 14. Januar 2022
David F. Wright, Ph.D

Read by the author, Dr. David F. Wright, Dr.

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Keeping Your Head in Play

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